LIV Collaborates with HRMI to Gather Data on the State of Human Rights in Vietnam

Legal Initiatives for Vietnam (LIV) collaborates with the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI) to compile and gather data about the current state of human rights in Vietnam. LIV has been working with HRMI since 2021 and our arrangement has led to the release of quantitative and measurable statistics regarding Vietnam’s human rights situation in terms of Safety from the State, Quality of Life, and Empowerment.

HRMI states that human rights information about several countries in the East Asia and Pacific region, Vietnam included, is lacking. Through LIV’s partnership and cooperation, these gaps in HRMI’s data are slowly being filled and a truthful and accurate representation of Vietnam can soon be accessible to the general public.

HRMI began in 2016 as a project of Motu Economic and Public Policy Research (Motu) in Wellington, New Zealand. During their 6 years in operation, HRMI has collated economic and social rights data for around 200 countries worldwide.

HRMI’s available information about Vietnam suggests that while the country’s quality of life is commendable, “the data clearly indicates that the proper observation of human rights, especially in the department of freedom of expression, association, and protection from the state, is met with impunity.” Additionally, government critics, dissenters, human rights advocates, and anyone with divergent political beliefs continue to face mistreatment and abuse from the Vietnamese government.

LIV has also collaborated with other international human rights organizations in the past, such as Freedom House, and has contributed to their annual Freedom on the Net report in 2021.